Kung Fu Invaders, also known as Heroes Two, 方世玉與洪熙官, Fong Sai Yuk Yue Hung Hei Koon, 2 Héros, Ceintures noires contre karatékas, Ceintures noires contre kung fu and Bloody Fistsis a 1974 Hong Kong martial arts film directed by Chang Cheh. The film stars Alexander Fu Sheng and Chen Kuan Tai.
(Synopsis): Of the dozens of great martial arts movies made by this prolific and respected director, this tale of legendary Shaolin avengers Fang Shih-Yu (Fong Sai Yuk) and Hung Hsi-Kuan is often considered one of the best of Chang Cheh. His collaboration with equally renowned kung fu choreographer Liu Chia Liang was apparent in all the performances, but especially with that of charismatic, capable, 19-year-old Alexander Fu Sheng. This powerful production is a true landmark in kung fu film history.
Starring: Alexander Fu Sheng, Chen Kuan Tai, Fong Sam, Bruce Tong Yim Chaan, Wong Ching, Zhu Mu, Feng Yi, Chiang Nan, Fung Hak On
Director: Chang Cheh, Produced by Lin Hsing Fan, Action Director: Tong Gaai, Lau Kar Leun, Language: English, Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1, Format: NTSC, Region: All, Production Company: Chang's Film Company, Release date: January 19, 1974 (Hong