The Black Lizard, also known as Hei Xi Yi (While America's "Batman" is a superhero, Hong Kong's "The Lizard" is a superthief, whose kung fu allows him to scale walls ilke some sort of deadly venom. His powers set the stage for a lighthearted action tale.
Young swordsman Lung Fei (Derek Yee) encounters strange omens portending the death of his fiancee Ting Tzu-chu (Pan Ping-chang). His enquiries with the help of Chief Constable Tieh Hu (Sun Chien) reveal an astounding story.
(Synopsis):Two sisters are married to two classmates. Ting Peng (Wang Jung) and Hsiao Hsuan (Yueh Hua). Both wives give birth on the same day. Ting's wife has a son, and knowing Hsiao's contempt for girls, has her own son exchanged for her sister's baby girl. Hsiao's wife holds up the baby boy, exposing a birthmark identical to that of his real father Ting. Hsiao sees the similarity, and immediately suspects her of adultery with his classmate. He kills mother and child in a jealous rage and then arranges a series of devious frame-ups. Ting's wife has died in the meantime, and the whole twisted truth does not come to light until Hsiao attempts to bury Tzu-chu alive, not realising that she is in fact his own daughter. Lung intervenes, and Hsiao goes berserk and kills himself.