"Five Deadly Venoms" a.k.a. (Ng Duk) (1978) $9.95
Fünf tödliche Gifte, auch bekannt als 五毒, 5 tödliche Gifte, die fünf tödlichen Gifte, Ng Duk, Wu Du, 5 Venins Mortels ist ein kultiger 1978er Kampfkunstfilm aus Hongkong unter der Regie von Chang Cheh mit dem Venom Mob, mit Kampfkunst-Choreografie von Leung Ting und produziert vom Shaw Brothers Studio, über fünf Kung-Fu-Kämpfer mit einzigartigen Tierstilen: der Hundertfüßer, der Schlange, der Skorpion, die Eidechse und die Kröte.  (Zusammenfassung): Der sterbende Meister des mächtigen Giftclans entsendet seinen letzten Schüler, Yang Tieh, auf eine entscheidende Mission. Besorgt darüber, dass die Fähigkeiten, die er gelehrt hat, zu bösen Zwecken eingesetzt werden, befiehlt er Yang, einen pensionierten Kollegen, Yun, aufzuspüren und ihn zu warnen, dass das Vermögen, das er durch die Aktivitäten des Clans angehäuft hat, von fünf seiner ehemaligen Schüler bedroht wird, von denen jeder ein Experte ist in seinem eigenen tödlichen Kampfstil. Yang muss den Aufenthaltsort und die wahre Identität dieser maskierten Krieger herausfinden und entscheiden, welchen er gegebenenfalls vertrauen kann, um sich ihm bei seiner Mission anzuschließen. Die fünf Schüler sind Hundertfüßer, Schlange, Skorpion, Eidechse und Kröte. Hundertfüßer, Schlange, Eidechse und Kröte kennen sich, aber keiner kennt den Skorpion, der immer eine Maske trägt. Bevor er stirbt, lehrt der Meister Yang die Schwächen jedes Stils. Mit: Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Philip Kwok, Lo Mang, Wei Pei, Lu Feng, Wang Lung-Wei, Ku Feng Unter der Regie von: Chang Cheh, Produziert von: Runme Shaw, Aktionsdirektor : Robert Tai Chi Hsien, Lu Feng, Leung Ting, Vertrieben von: Shaw Brothers Studio, Veröffentlichungsdatum: 12. August 1978, Laufzeit: 98 Minuten, Produktionsunternehmen: Shaw Brothers Studio.  
"Die Rückkehr der 5 tödlichen Gifte" a.k.a. (Crippled Avengers) (1978) $10.95
Verkrüppelte Rächer, ist ein 1978er Kung-Fu-Film von Shaw Brothers Regie von Chang Cheh und mit vier Mitgliedern des Venom Mob. Es wurde in Nordamerika als veröffentlicht Sterblicher Kampf und Rückkehr der 5 tödlichen Gifte. Der Film folgt einer Gruppe von Kampfkünstlern, die Rache suchen, nachdem sie von Tu Tin-To (Chen Kuan Tai) verkrüppelt wurden), ein Kampfkunstmeister, und sein Sohn (Lu Feng). (Zusammenfassung): Vier (nicht fünf) verkrüppelte Männer machen das Beste aus ihren Behinderungen, während sie sich zu einem Kung-Fu-Team zusammenschließen und sich an den Männern rächen, die sie verkrüppelt haben. In der Fortsetzung von 5 DEADLY VENOMS kehrt der Giftmob als vier verkrüppelte Meister aus Rache zurück. Obwohl sie beinlos, blind, taub und hirngeschädigt sind, lernen die Helden übermenschliche Techniken, um einen bösen Kriegsherrn und seine Armee zu bekämpfen. Mit: Chen Kuan Tai, Lu Feng, Philip Kwok (Kuo Chui), Johnny Wang Lung Wei, Lo Meng, Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Dick Wei, Jamie Luk Kim Ming, Cheng Miu, Poon Bing Seung, Chui Tai Ping Direktor: Chang Cheh, Hersteller: Runme Shaw, Aktionsdirektor: Lu Feng, Robert Tai Chi Hsien, Chiang Sheng, Laufzeit: 100 Minuten,  Sprachen: Englisch (MPEG 2.0 - Stereo), Untertitel: Keiner, Vertrieben von: Shaw Brothers Studio, Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21. Dezember 1978 (Hongkong), Eigenschaften: Anamorphotischer Breitbildschirm 2,35: 1 Stereo-Anhänger
"Chinese Super Ninjas" a.k.a. (Five Elements Ninjas) (1982) $9.95
Chinesische Super Ninjas, auch bekannt als Fünf Elemente Ninjas, Wu dun ren shu, Ren zhe wu di, Super Ninjas und 五 遁 忍術  ichEs ist ein 1982er Kampfkunstfilm aus Hongkong unter der Regie von Chang Cheh. Der Film handelt von einer chinesischen Kampfkunstschule, die von ihren Rivalen übertroffen wird. Sie stellen Elite-Ninja aus Japan ein, um die Schule zu zerstören. Der einzige Überlebende des Massakers lernt die Geheimnisse des Ninjutsu und rächt sich an dem Ninja. Obwohl nur ein Mitglied des berühmten Venom Mob in Lo Mang die Hauptrolle spielt, ist der Film sehr im Geiste der späteren Venom Mob-Filme von Regisseur Cheh. (Zusammenfassung): Als seine Schule zerstört und seine Freunde von den fünf Element-Ninjas geschlachtet werden, studiert Tsiau Chin Hau die Geheimnisse des Ninja und fordert zusammen mit drei neu entdeckten Kohorten die Element-Ninjas in einem Kampf bis zum Tod heraus. Eine epische Geschichte von Rache, Verrat und Ehrgeiz vor dem Hintergrund der Kampfkünste und -künste der Ninja. Als seine Schule zerstört ist und seine Kollegen alle vom höchsten Ninja Cheng Yun und seinen Ninjas mit fünf Elementen geschlachtet werden, macht sich Tsiau Chin Hau auf den Weg, um sich zu rächen. Aber die elementaren Ninjas (Gold, Holz, Wasser, Feuer und Erde) zu stoppen, ist eine großartige Aufgabe. Also studiert Chin die Geheimnisse des Ninja unter Anleitung von Lehrer Yan Yong Fe. So bewaffnet fordern Chin und seine neu entdeckten Kohorten Li Yin Win, Chan Sin und Wan Fong die Element-Ninjas in einem klimatischen Kampf bis zum Tod heraus. Wieder einmal zeigt Chang Cheh seine einzigartigen Talente, um Aggression, Gewalt und balletische Anmut in einem erfinderischen Format zu sammeln. Mit: Michael Chan (Wai-Mann), Lo Meng, Chen Pei Hsi, Lung Tien Hsiang, Lau Tin-Chi, Wong Lik, Bruce Lai, Ricky Cheng (Tien Chi), Kwan Fung, Chan Shen, Chui Tai Ping Direktor: Chang Cheh, Aktionsdirektor: Ricky Cheng Tien Chi, Chu Ko, Produziert von: Mona Fong, Laufzeit: 108 Minuten, Sprachen: Englisch, Untertitel: Keiner, Regionscodierung: Alle Region, Format: NTSC, Produktionsunternehmen: Shaw Brothers Studio, Veröffentlichungsdatum: 21. April 1982 (Hongkong)  
"Das Kind mit dem goldenen Arm" a.k.a. (Bei 臂 童, Gam Bei Tung, Jin bei Tong) (1979) $10.95
Das Kind mit dem goldenen Arm, auch bekannt als Jin Bei Tong/Gam Bei Tung  ist ein 1979er Shaw Brothers Kung Fu Film Regie von Chang Cheh und produziert von Mona Fong. Es ist eines der wenigen Venom Mob Filme mit Wei Pai (Snake Venom). (Zusammenfassung): Yang Yu Heng wird von der Regierung gebeten, eine Ladung Gold in eine Hungersnot zu bringen. Er muss sich jedoch mit der bösartigen Chi-Sah-Bande auseinandersetzen, die über die individuellen Talente des Anführers Golden Arm sowie über Silver Spear, Iron Robe und Brass Head verfügt. Um das Gold vor ihren Aufmerksamkeiten zu schützen, engagiert Yang die Dienste des Schwertkämpfers Li Chin Ming und seiner Freundin Miss Leng, des Axt schwingenden Duos Yen und Feng sowie des betrunkenen Meisters Hai To. Was folgt, ist ein Kampf zwischen Verstand und Stärke zwischen den Protagonisten, mit der zusätzlichen Dimension, dass die mysteriösen Eisenfüße auch für seine eigenen Zwecke hinter dem Gold her sind. Aber wer ist Iron Feet? Die Antwort ist eine große Überraschung! Mit: Sun Chien, Lo Meng, Philip Kwok (Kuo Chui), Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Lu Feng, Chiang Sheng, Poon Bing Seung, Wai Pak, Suen Shu Pau, Chui Tai Ping, Jamie Luk (Kim Ming). Unter der Regie von: Chang Cheh, Produziert von: Mona Fong, Aktionsdirektor: Lu Feng, Chiang Sheng, Robert Tai Chi Hsien,  Sprache: Englisch, Produzenten(s): Mona Fong (Yat Wa), Sir Run Run Shaw, Laufzeit: 78 Minuten, Vertrieben von: Shaw Brothers Studio, Veröffentlichungsdatum: 2. November 1979, Besondere Merkmale: Besetzung / Crew
"Unschlagbarer Drache" a.k.a. (Sha 少林 與 北 Nan, Nan Shao Lin Yu Bei Shao Lin, Unbesiegbarer Shaolin) (1978) $10.95
Unschlagbarer Drache, auch bekannt als Unbesiegbarer Shaolin, Sha 少林 與 北 Nan, Nan Shao Lin Yu Bei Shao Lin, Nord-Shaolin gegen Süd-Shaolin, Shaolin-Blutvergießen, La Fureur Shaolin ist ein Hongkonger Film von 1978 Shaw Brothers Kung Fu Film unter der Regie von Chang Cheh. Es ist eine von Chang Chehs Geschichten über Shaolins historische Rivalitäten mit der Qing-Dynastie. Es ist einer der wenigen Venom-Filme mit Wei Pai (die Schlange).(Zusammenfassung): Ching-Beamte betrügen nördliche und südliche Shaolin-Kampfkünstler, um gegeneinander zu kämpfen, in der Hoffnung, dass sie sich gegenseitig auslöschen. Die Mönche bekommen Wind von dem Plan, aber ist es zu spät? Überblick: Ein böser Ching-Kriegsherr (Wong Lung Wei) hat einen brillanten Plan, um das Ching-Reich von den Shaolin-Meistern zu befreien. Er lädt drei Shaoliners in seine Villa ein und lässt sie mit drei neuen South Shaoliners kämpfen. Natürlich gewinnen die Nordländer und töten versehentlich die Südländer. Die Nachricht von dem Vorfall erreicht Shaolin, wo der Älteste drei Spitzenkämpfer entsendet, um die Krise der Shaolin-Kämpfe zu bewältigen. Hier sind die Venoms in erstklassiger Form unter dem wulstigen Auge des Verrückten Tai Cheh und dem knackigen Geschichtenerzählen des Maestro Chang Cheh.Mit: Lu Feng, Sun Chien, Chiang Sheng (Tang Chung-Fei), Phillip Kwok (Kuo Chue), Lo Meng, Kara Hui Ying-Hung, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Tien Niu, Cheng Miu, Wong Ching Ho, Suen Shu Pau,                                                                    Direktor: Chang Cheh, Hersteller: Run Run Shaw, Aktionsdirektor: Robert Tai Chi Hsien, Lu Feng, Leung Ting, Produziert von: Sir Run Run Shaw, Eigenschaften: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35: 1 Mono Trailer, Laufzeit: 98 Minuten, Sprachen: Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono), Untertitel: Englisch, Regionscodierung: Alle Region, Vertrieben von: Shaw Brothers Studio, Veröffentlichungsdatum: 1978
"The 36th Chamber of Shaolin" a.k.a. (少林三十六房, Shao Lin San Shi Liu Fang, Shaolin Master Killer) (1978) $9.95
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, also known as 少林三十六房, The Master Killer, Shaolin Master Killer, La 36ème Chambre de Shaolin and Shao Lin San Shi Liu Fang, is a 1978 Hong Kong kung fu film directed by Liu Chia-liang and produced by Shaw Brothers, starring Gordon Liu. The film follows a highly fictionalized version of San Te, a legendary Shaolin martial arts disciple who trained under the general Chi Shan. (Synopsis): The 36th Chamber of Shaolin is widely considered to be one of the greatest kung fu films and a turning point in its director's and star's careers. It was followed by Return to the 36th Chamber, which was more comedic in presentation and featured Gordon Liu as the new main character with another actor in the smaller role of San Te, and Disciples of the 36th Chamber.","(About this film): The 36th Chamber of Shaolin, also known as The Master Killer, Shaolin Master Killer and Shao Lin San Shi Liu Fang, is a 1978 Hong Kong kung fu film directed by Liu Chia-liang and produced by Shaw Brothers, starring Gordon Liu. The film follows a highly fictionalized version of San Te, a legendary Shaolin martial arts disciple who trained under the general Chi Shan. A young student named Liu Yude is drawn by his activist teacher into the local rebellion against the Manchu government. The government officials, headed by the brutal General Tien Ta, however, quickly discover and suppress the uprising, liquidating the school and killing the students' friends and family members. Yude decides to seek vengeance and liberation for the people, and heads for the Shaolin temple to learn kung fu. Starring: Gordon Liu Chia-Hui, Wong Yu, Henry Yu Yung || John Cheung Ng-Long, Lee Hoi-Sang, Norman Chu Siu-Keung, Shum Lo, Wai Wang, Wilson Tong Wai-Shing, Lo Lieh, Lau Kar-Wing, Wong Ching-Ho, Simon Yuen Siu-Tin, Peter Chan Lung, Hsiao Ho, Austin Wai Tin-Chi, Billy Chan Wui-NgaiDirected by: Liu Chia-Liang, Produced by: Mona Fong, Run Run Shaw, Action Director :Lau Kar Leung, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, United States: World Northal (dubbed), Dragon Dynasty (DVD), Release date: 1978, Running time: 115 minutes, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Mono, Languages: English, Region Coding: All Region
"Return to the 36th Chamber" a.k.a. (Return Of Master Killer) (1980) $9.95
Return to the 36th Chamber, also known as 少林搭棚大師, Shao Lin ta peng hsiao tzu, Return of the Master Killer, Return to the Thirty Sixth Chamber, Retour à la 36ème chambre  or Master Killer II is a 1980 Shaw Brothers Studio Hong Kong martial arts comedy film starring Gordon Liu. It was directed by Lau Kar-Leung and written by Ni Kuang. The film is the second in a loosely connected trilogy, following The 36th Chamber Of Shaolin (1978) and preceding Disciples Of The 36th Chamber (1985). In the first and third films in the series, Liu portrays the Shaolin monk San Te, but in Return, he portrays an imposter monk. (Synopsis): The story opens at a fabric dyeing mill. The quality of the dyes has noticeably worsened, and the factory owner, Wang, and his subordinate chief, Boss Wa, decide to hire some Manchu overseers to improve the work. Wang decides to cut the workers' salary to pay the mercenaries, and when the workers protest they are viciously thrashed. When sitting in a tea house discussing their problems, the workers are joined by Chu Jen-chieh, a good-hearted small-time con man and the foreman's younger brother who is posing as a monk. He offers to help, but since he cannot actually do kung fu, he and the foreman's assistant, Ah Chao, devise a plan to trick the Manchu into reinstating the full salary pay, with Jen-chieh posing as the Shaolin's head abbot of 36th Chamber, San Te.Starring: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Kara Hui Ying-Hun, Hsiao Ho, Wong Gam Fung, Cheng Wai Ho, Wong Ching Ho, Wa Lun, Ging Chue, Yau Chui Ling, Chan Si Gaai, Cheng Sam, Shek Lam, Kwan Yung Moon, Yeung Jing Jing, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Kong DoDirected by: Lau Kar-Leung, Produced by: Mona Fong, Run Run Shaw, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 1980, Running time: 99 minutes, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo), Region Coding: All Region, Format: NTSC
"Disciples of the 36th Chamber" a.k.a. (Disciples Of The Master Killer) (1985) $9.95
Disciples Of The 36th Chamber, also known as  少林三十六房:霹雳十杰, Pi Li Shi Jie, Disciples Of The Master Killer, Master Killer III, and Les Disciples de la 36ème chambre is a 1985 Shaw Brothers Studio Hong Kong martial arts film comedy written, directed and choreographed Lau Kar-leung. It is the third in a loose trilogy of films that began with The 36th Chamber of Shaolin (1978) and was followed by Return to the 36th Chamber (1980). In Disciples, the action is focused on Hsiao Ho, who portrays legendary martial artist Fong Sai-Yuk. Gordon Liu, a constant in the 36th Chamber series, reprises his role from The 36th Chamber of Shaolin as the monk San Te. (Synopsis): The brilliant and vastly underrated Hsiao Ho plays Fong Sai Yuk, the utterly incorrigible young troublemaker who is nearly invincible due to his martial arts abilities. His parents and teachers can’t discipline him, and he continually gets into trouble; until one day he messes with the wrong people, and the local rulers decree that he be decapitated. Devastated, his parents secretly send him and his brothers to the 36th Chamber of Shaolin Temple to avoid the beheading, and his mother selflessly agrees to face the consequences of her son’s actions. Once in Shaolin Temple, monk San Te (Gordon Liu) works to exhaust the young boy into submission. However, Sai Yuk handles his training regimen easily, and has plenty of energy to spare for his various dirty deeds. He gathers his fellow students in forbidden attempts to sneak out, eventually finding a way out for himself. On his night out, he visits the governor’s estate to witness the lantern festival, where he gets into more trouble and earns the wrath of the governor himself. It’s not long before the governor begins to plan an elaborate plot to bring down Sai Yuk--and all of Shaolin’s students with him! With all his family, his friends, and his own head on the line, there’s no telling how this tale will turn out Starring: Wong Yu, Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Lo Lieh, Hsiao Ho, Kara Hui Ying-Hung, Chan Si Gaai, Yau Chui Ling, Cheng Miu, Yeung Chi Hing, Jamie Luk (Kim Ming), Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Wilson Tong (Wai Shing), Ging Chue, Wai Wang, Keung Hon, Shum Lo, Poon Bing Seung. Director: Lau Kar Leung, Produced by: Mona Fong, Run Run Shaw, Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Ching Chu, Hsiao Ho, Languages: Cantonese, Mandarin Subtitles: English, Chinese (Traditional), Bahasa, Subtitles: English,  Chinese, (Traditional), Bahasa, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 1985 (Hong Kong)        
"Shaolin Vs Wu Tang" a.k.a. (Shao Lin yu Wu Dang) (1983) $9.95
Shaolin and Wu Tang, also known as 少林與武當, Shao Lin yu Wu Dang, Shaolin And Wu Tang, Shaolin contre Wu Tong and Shaolin contre Wutang is a 1983 Hong Kong martial arts film directed by and starring Gordon Liu. The film is about the rivalry between the martial arts schools Shaolin and Wu Tang. It is also called Shaolin Vs. Wu-Tang in the Master Killer Collection. (Synopsis): Gordon Liu plays a young Shaolin monk who faces his toughest challenge when he faces the might of the Wu Tang sword. Top direction by Shaw Brothers supremo Liu Chia Liang. A Manchu Prince (Lung Wei Wang) uses trickery to coax the secret fighting skills out of the Shaolin and Wu Tang masters. He then creates a rift between two young students (Gordon Liu and Adam Cheng) who were once the best of friends despite their respective backgrounds, forcing the two disciples to return to their temples and seek advice from their superiors. When they later reunite, their differences forgotten, Shaolin and Wu Tang team up to fight the Manchu menace. Gordon Liu's (""Shaolin Master Killer"") directorial debut features plenty of beautifully choreographed fights, an opening credit sequence worth the price of purchase alone, temple training scenes that surpass those in ""Shaolin Master Killer"", and some eye-opening Wu Tang sword training, making ""Shaolin And Wu Tang"" a must for any fan of traditional martial arts.Starring: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Adam Cheng Siu-Chow, Cheng Lee, Ida Chan (Yuk Lin), Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Kwan Hoi San, Wong Ching Ho, Cheng Miu, Chan Shen, Lee Hoi Sang, Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong, Lin Ke Ming, Keung Hon, Lee Ging Chung, Sham Chin Bo, Lee Pang-Fei Directed by: Gordon Liu, Produced by: Lau Kar-leung, Full Screen,Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround, Running Time: 87 minutes, Languages: English, Region Coding: All Region, Format: NTSC, Distributed by: Hing Fut Film Company, Release    date: 7 July 1983"  
"Shaolin Executioners" a.k.a. (Executioners from Shaolin) (1977) $9.95
Executioners from Shaolin, also known as  洪熙官, Executioners Of Death, Hung Hei-Goon, Hung Hsi-Kuan, Shaolin Executioners,  Les Exécuteurs de Shaolin and Hung Hsi Kuan is a 1977 Shaw Brothers kung fu film directed by Lau Kar-leung. It is released as Shaolin Executioners outside of Hong Kong and as Executioners of Death in North America. (Synopsis): The White Eyebrow priest is bent on destroying Shaolin. He meets resistance from a Shaolin fighter but kills him eventually. Now it's up to his son to combine his father's tiger claw style with his mother's crane technique to take down the evil priest. Overview: White Eyebrow priest Pak Mei is bent on destroying the Shaolin Temple. He meets resistance from a Shaolin fighter (Chen Kuan Tai) but kills him eventually. It's now up to his son (Wong Yu) to combine his father's tiger claw style with his mother's crane technique to bring down the evil priest. Masterfully directed by action master Liu Chia Liang.Starring: Chen Kuan Tai, Lo Lieh, Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Lily Li Li-Li, Kong Do, Lee Hoi Sang, John Cheung (Ng Long), Wong Yu, Cheng Hong YipDirected by: Lau Kar-leung, Produced by: Run Me Shaw, Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 # Mono # Trailers, Duration: 7,  Running Time: 96 minutes, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 1.0 - Mono), Subtitles: None, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio,Country: Hong Kong    
"Clan Of The White Lotus" a.k.a. (洪文定三破白莲教, Fist Of The White Lotus) (1980) $9.95
Clan of the White Lotus, also known as Fist Of The White Lotus, Hung Man Deng Saam Poh Baak Lin Gaau, 洪文定三破白莲教, 洪文定三破白蓮教 and Le Poing mortel du dragon is a 1980 Shaw Brothers kung fu film directed by Lo Lieh, with action choreography by Lau Kar Leung, starring Lo Lieh and Gordon Liu. It was released as Fists of the White Lotus in North America. (Synopsis): A remake of/sequel to the classic ""Executioners From Shaolin"", this kung fu classic sees our hero (Gordon Liu) receiving a sound thrashing from Pai Mei (Lo Lieh) early on, and later mastering the graceful embroidery technique from Kara Hui (Ying Hung). Starring: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Lo Lieh, Kara Hui Ying-Hung, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Ging Chue, Yeung Jing Jing, Cheng Miu, Hsiao Ho Director: Lo Lieh, Producer: Run Run Shaw, Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1,Stereo, Running Time: 89 minutes, Languages: English, Subtitles: None, Region Coding: All Region, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers, Release date: 1980, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers, Release date: 1980  
"The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter" a.k.a. (Invincible Pole Fighter) (1983) $10.95
The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, also known as The Invicible Pole Fighters, Wu Lang Ba Gua Gun, 五郎八卦棍, The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter and Les 8 Diagrammes de Wu-Lang is a 1983 Hong Kong film by Shaw Brothers, directed by Lau Kar-Leung and starring Gordon Liu and Alexander Fu Sheng in his final film appearance. It was released as The Invincible Pole Fighters outside of Hong Kong and Invincible Pole Fighter in North America.  Alexander Fu Sheng died in a car accident before the filming of The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter was finished. The script was partly re-written after his death and Fu's character does not appear in the final showdown as originally written in the script.   (Synopsis): After most of his family is slaughtered, Gordon Liu escapes to a monastery to train. When his eldest surviving sister is captured by the same villains who destroyed his family, Gordon leaves the monastery to fulfil his bloodlust and thirst for vengeance, A must see! Starring: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Alexander Fu Sheng, Liu Chia Liang, Wang Yu, Mai Te Lo, Liu Chia Yang, Hsiao Ho, Chu Tieh Hu, Kara Hui Ying-Hung, Lily Li Li-Li, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Jue Tit Woh, Phillip Ko Fei, Yeung Jing Jing, Yuen Tak, Yang Tsing Tsing Director: Lau Kar Leung, Producer: Mona Fong Yat Wah, Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Ching Chu, Hsiao Ho, Running Time: 93 minutes, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 1.0 - Mono) Region Coding: All Region,  Format: NTSC Distributed by; Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 1983, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1
"Heroes of the East" a.k.a. (Zhong Hua Zhang Fu, Shaolin Challenges Ninja) (1978) $9.95
Heroes of the East, also known as 中華丈夫), Chung Wah Cheung Fu, Drunk Shaolin Challenges Ninja, Challenge Of The Ninja, Shaolin Vs. Ninja,  Zhong Hua Zhang Fu, Shaolin contre Ninja, Les Démons du karatéand and Shaolin Challenges Ninja is a martial arts film produced in 1978. It starred Gordon Liu and was directed by Lau Kar-Leung. Lau Kar-Leung has a cameo role as a master of Zui Quan. It's notable for portraying Japanese martial arts alongside the more typical Kung-Fu used in most Hong Kong martial arts films. (Synopsis): A Chinese man (Liu) marries a Japanese woman through an arranged marriage and manages to insult all of her Japanese martial arts family by issuing a challenge to her that is misinterpreted by the others. He must then prove how good Chinese Kung Fu really is through a series of duels with the seven Japanese martial artists who come to meet the challenge. Starring: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Simon Yuen (Siu Tin), Yasuaki Kurata (Shoji Kurata), Wilson Tong (Wai Shing), Norman Chu, Cheng Miu, Liu Chia Liang, Lee Hoi Sang, Ouyang Shafei, Cheng Hong Yip, Mizuno Yuko, Poon Bing Seung, Ha Ping, Lau Kar Leung (Liu Chia Hui) Running Time: 100 minutes, Languages: Mandarin (Dolby Digital 5.1Surround), English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono), Region Coding: All Region, Format: NTSC, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, United States: Dragon Dynasty(DVD), Release date: December 30, 1978
"Shaolin Martial Arts" aka (Hong quan yu yong chun) (1974) $10.95
Shaolin Martial Arts, also known as 洪拳与咏春, Hong Quan Yu Yong Chun. (Synopsis): Fu Sheng plays Fong Sai-yuk. Some guys train to beat a murderous master, but they don't train enough and are killed half-way through the film, leaving the battle to men like Fu Sheng. The evil Manchu clan is determined to rid China of all kung fu rivals--only the ancient Shaolin school remains defiant. Their finest warriors murdered by two of the Manchu's ruthless hired assassins, the Shaolin turn in desperation to old masters in order to learn the ultimate secret martial arts disciplines--the only styles and tactics which might defeat their monstrous enemy. After months of agonizing training, the deadly Tiger and Crane combat styles are matched against the Manchu's lethal Steel Skin technique in a bloody battle to the death. Starring: Alexander Fu Sheng, Chan Yi Ling, Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Chi Kuan Chun, Leung Kar Yan, Simon Yuen (Siu Tin), Lo Dik,  Kong Do, Fung Hak On, Lau Kar Wing, Tino Wong Cheung, Jamie Luk (Kim Ming), Geung Nam Director: Chang Chehm, Action Director: Tong Gaai, Lau Kar Leung, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 Mono Trailers, Duration: 7, Running Time: 106 minutes, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono), Subtitles: None, Film Company: Chang's Film Co, Shaw Brothers
"Marco Polo" a.k.a. (The Four Assassins) (1975) $10.95
Marco Polo, also known as 马哥波罗, 4 Assassins, The Four Assassins, Ma Goh Boh Law, Ma Ko Po Lo, The Four Assassins and Le Guerrier de Kubilai Khan. (Synopsis): This splendid historical tale of the famed explorer is also a superlative martial arts thriller featuring an all-star kung-fu cast, including future lead "Venom" Kuo Chue, "Master Killer" Gordon Liu Chia-hui, and "Thundering Mantis" Liang Chia-jen. "The Four Assassins" (aka "Marco Polo", 1975) is that rare Hong Kong kung fu film which features a westerner in a pivotal, heroic role. Set at the time of Italian explorer Marco Polo s historic expedition to China ,during the reign of Monogol ruler Kublai Khan, it stars American actor Richard Harrison as Polo. Taking considerable liberties with the historic record, the film has Polo turning up as an Imperial Inspector assigned to root out Chinese rebles in the south, but eventually being won over to their cause. As such, it relies on the formula commonly used in kung fu films to depict a much later period of conflict, that of Qingera Manchu conquerors vs. Ming loyalists. Starring: Alexander Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun, Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Leung Kar Yan, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Si Si, Phillip Kwok, Richard Harrison, Shut Ma (Wa Lung) Director: Chang Cheh, Action Director: Chan San Yat, Hsieh Hsing, Features: Anamorphic 16:9 Widescreen, Region Coding: All Region, Format: NTSC,  Running Time: 103 minutes, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono), Subtitles: None
"Five Shaolin Masters" a.k.a. (Five Masters Of Death) (1974) $12.95
Five Shaolin Masters, also known as 少林五祖, 5 Shaolin Masters, 5 Masters Of Death Siu Lam Ng Jo and Cinq maîtres de Shaolin Is a 1974 Shaw Brothers kung fu film directed by Chang Cheh, with action choreography by Lau Kar Leung and Lau Kar Wing. (Synopsis): Shaolin renegades fight against their Manchu oppressors and traitorous collaborators. Fans thought that Chang Cheh couldn't out-do his previous star-making box office hits, but once this landmark saga hit the screen, they had to raise their expectations once again. The story was simplicity itself: Shaolin renegades fight against their Manchu oppressors and traitorous collaborators. But the finest martial arts actors, led by revered choreographers Liu Chia-Liang (Lau Kar Leung) and his brother Liu Chia-Yung (Lau Kar Wing), created emotionally involving action sequences of unparalleled effect Starring: David Chiang, Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Chi Kuan Chun, Mang Fei (Meng Fei), Leung Kar Yan, Fung Hak On, Kong Do, Choi Wang, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Bruce Tong (Yim Chaan), Gordon Liu (Chia Hui), Lo Dik, Jamie Luk (Kim Ming), Lau Kar Wing, Eric Tsang Directed by: Chang Cheh, Produced by: Run Run Shaw, Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Lau Kar Wing, Features: Anamorphic 16:9 Widescreen, Running Time: 105 minutes. Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 25 December 1974, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono)Region Coding: All Region  
"The Brave Archer" a.k.a. (Kung Fu Warlord) (1977) $10.95
The Brave Archer, also known as 射雕英雄传, 射鵰英雄傳, Kung Fu Warlords, She diao ying xiong chuan, Le Chasseur d'aigles, Ping zong xia ying lu and Shaolin Archers is a 1977 Hong Kong film adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The film was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio and directed by Chang Cheh, starring Alexander Fu Sheng and Tanny Tien in the lead roles. The film is the first part of a trilogy and was followed by The Brave Archer 2 (1978) and The Brave Archer 3 (1981). The trilogy has two unofficial sequels, The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) and Little Dragon Maiden (1983) (Synopsis): The Brave Archer, also known as Kungfu Warlord, is a 1977 Hong Kong film adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The film was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio and directed by Chang Cheh, starring Alexander Fu Sheng and Tanny Tien in the lead roles. The film is the first part of a trilogy and was followed by The Brave Archer 2 (1978) and The Brave Archer 3 (1981). The trilogy has two unofficial sequels, The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) and Little Dragon Maiden (1983). Part three of the famous four-part epic. Renowned film director Chang Cheh returns for a third time with Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng and a stellar supporting cast in The Brave Archer 3 to create a far-out martial arts spectacle that rivals its two predecessors, a rarity in any film industry. Chang's heroes live for death while encapsulating themselves within their own world, but at the right time, will altruistically explode. That's what makes this film a blast.Starring: Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Chiang Sheng, Sun Chien, Wong Lik, Nau Nau, Chui Tai Ping, Lo Meng, Chu Ko, Cheng Lee, Lau Wai Ling, Lu Feng, Phillip Kwok, Siao Yuk, Yeung Hung, Ricky Cheng (Tien Chi) Director:-Chang Cheh, Producer: Runme Shaw, Action Director: Robert Tai Chi Hsien, Lee la Ting, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 Mono Trailers, Duration: 7, Running Time: 88 minutes, Languages: English (1.0 - Mono), Subtitles: None, Production company: Shaw Brothers Studio, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 30 July 1977
"The Brave Archer 2" a.k.a. (Kung Fu Warlord 2) (1978) $10.95
The Brave Archer 2, also known as 射鵰英雄傳續集, The Brave Archer Part II, Kung Fu Warlords 2, Sau Diu Ying Hung Chuen Chuk Chap, She diao ying xiong chuan xu ji and Le Chasseur d'aigles et le clan des mendiants is a 1978 Hong Kong film adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The film was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio and directed by Chang Cheh, starring Alexander Fu Sheng and Niu-niu in the lead roles. The film is the second part of a trilogy and was preceded by The Brave Archer (1977) and followed by The Brave Archer 3 (1981). The trilogy has two unofficial sequels, The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) and Little Dragon Maiden (1983). (Synopsis): The Brave Archer 2, also known as Kungfu Warlord 2, is a 1978 Hong Kong film adapted from Louis Cha's novel The Legend of the Condor Heroes. The film was produced by the Shaw Brothers Studio and directed by Chang Cheh, starring Alexander Fu Sheng and Niu-niu in the lead roles. The film is the second part of a trilogy and was preceded by The Brave Archer (1977) and followed by The Brave Archer 3 (1981). The trilogy has two unofficial sequels, The Brave Archer and His Mate (1982) and Little Dragon Maiden (1983). Starring: Alexander Fu Sheng, Niu Niu, Ku Feng, Philip Kwok, Chung Fung, Danny Lee Sau Yin, Lee I Min, Shirley Yu Sha Li, Goo Goon Chung, Lin Chen Chi, Johnny Wang Lung Wei, Norman Chu Siu Keung, Kara Hui Ying Hung Director: Chang Cheh, Producer: Runme Shaw, Action Director: Leung Ting, Lu Feng, Robert Tai Chi Hsien, Production :company: Shaw Brothers Studio,  Distributed by: Shaw Brothers Studio, Release date: 13 May 1978, Running time: 110 minutes
"Born Invincible" a.k.a. (Tai ji yuan gong) (1978) $9.95
Born Invincible, also known as Tai ji yuan gong and Shaolin's Born Invincible is a 1978 Taiwanese kung fu film directed by Joseph Kuo, with action choreography by Yuen Woo-ping, and starring Carter Wong, Jack Long and Lo Lieh. Carter Wong is the laughing white-haired Chi Kung expert who wreaks havoc in the martial world. Three young avengers discover the weak spot of this seemingly invincible fighting force: his throat. But hitting it isn't going to be easy... (Synopsis): Carter Wong gives a dazzling performance as the laughing white-haired Chi Kung expert who wreaks havoc in the martial world. Three young avengers (Jack Long, Mark Long, and Chang Yu Yu) discover the weak spot of this seemingly invincible fighting force: his throat. But hitting it isn't going to be easy... Independent filmmaker Joseph Kuo combines a convincing performance by Carter Wong with an excellent story and the martial arts mastery of Joseph Long, making this one of Kuo's better efforts. Starring: Carter Wong (Ka Tat), Lo Lieh, Mark Lung (Sai Ga),-Jack Lung (Goon Ng), Nancy Yen, Corey Yuen Kwai, Yuen Shun-Yi, Lung Fei, Alan Chui (Chung San) Directed by: Joseph Kuo Nam Hung, Produced by: Joseph Kuo Nam Hung, Features: Full Screen Stereo Trailers Duration: 7, Running Time: 83 minutes, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo) Subtitles: None,  Distributed by: Ocean Shore, Release date: 1978.    
"Shaolin Deadly Mantis" a.k.a. (Tang lang, Deadly Mantis) (1978) $9.95
Shaolin Deadly Mantis, also known as Deadly Mantis, Deadly Shaolin Mantis, is a 1978 Shaw Brothers film directed by Lau Kar-leung, starring David Chiang and Liu Chia Hui. (Synopsis): A young court official (David Chiang) is sent by the government to spy on a prominent family who are believed to be rebels. Once inside, he falls in love with the elder's daughter. To get her out he must defeat siblings and father. From this comes the development of the Shaolin Mantis style. Action-packed from start to finish, including a cameo by the master killer himself!Starring: Chiang, Wong Hang Sau, Lily Li Li-Li, Lau Kar Wing, Wai Wang, Wilson Tong (Wai Shing), John Cheung (Ng Long), Lee Hoi Sang, Wong Ching Ho, Cheng Miu, Norman Chu, Chan Chuen Cameos: Gordon Liu (Chia Hui)Director: Lau Kar Leung Producer: Runme Shaw Action Director: Lau Kar Leung, Wilson Tong Wai Shing Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 16:9, Trailers Running Time: 96 minutes. Languages: English (Dolby Digital 1.0 - Mono) Subtitles: None Region Coding: All Region Format: NTSC, Distributed by: Shaw Brothers StudioRelease date: 1978
"7 Grandmasters" a.k.a. (Hu bao long she ying) (1978) $9.95
7 Grandmasters, also known as Hu bao long she ying, Hu Bao Long She Ying Jue Quan, 虎豹龍蛇鷹絕拳, The 7 Grandmasters, Les 7 grands maîtres de Shaolin and Karaté masters is a 1978 kung fu film directed by Joseph Kuo, starring Mark Long, Jack Long, Alan Chui, Corey Yuen and Lee Yi Min. It was filmed in Mandarin, as opposed to Cantonese which is more common due to Hong Kong's enormous output on the genre. (Synopsis): Martial arts supremo Jack Long demonstrates his superb kung fu skills as he seeks out worthy opponents to prove to himself that he is still The Grand Master of China before he retires. Veteran fight choreographer and actor Corey Yuen Kwai’s fast-paced action ensures the movie is five-star quality, proving undoubtedly why he is fast becoming one of the top action directors in the West--having worked with Jet Li on "Romeo Must Die" and "Kiss Of The Dragon". Starring: Lee I Min, Lung Fei, Jack Long (Sai Ga), Mark Long (Goon Mo), Corey Yuen Kwai, Chin Yuet Sang, Alan Chui (Chung San), Nancy Yen (Nan Hsi), Cheung Ching Fung, Lee Yan Wa, Yuen Sam, Ma Chin Ku, Chen Chiu, Chiu Chung Hing, Lee Siu Fei, Ng Wa Wa. Directed by: Joseph Kuo Produced by: Joseph Kuo Languages: English Subtitles: None Running Time: 89 minutes. Release date: 1978  
"Mystery Of Chessboxing" a.k.a. (Ninja Checkmate) (1979) $9.95
Mystery of Chessboxing, also known as Double Chained Horses, The Mystery Of Chessboxing, Shuang Ma Lian Huan, Mystery Of Chess Boxing and Wan, le tueur aux échecs is a Hong Kong kung fu film released in 1979 and directed by Joseph Kuo, starring Mark Long, Jack Long and Lee Yi Min.(Synopsis): Mystery Of Chess Boxing. Lee Yi Min stars as an eager young kung fu student who seeks to improve his fighting skills with an aim to avenge his father’s murder at the hands of the Ghost Face Killer, an overwhelming force of destruction and master of the death-dealing Five Element Fist. Lee Yi Min’s eagerness to study attracts the attention of the Master Of Chess Boxing, Jack Long, who is the Ghost Face Killer’s arch enemy. Together, master and student devise a wicked cross fertilization of the Chess Boxing and Five Element Fist styles and set out to put an end to Ghost Face’s deadly reign.Starring: Lee I Min, Jack Lung (Goon Ng), Mark Lung (Sai Ga), Simon Yuen (Siu Tin), Wong Chi Sang, Ricky Cheng (Tien Chi), Jeannie Chang Starring: Lee I Min, Jack Lung (Goon Ng), Mark Lung (Sai Ga), Simon Yuen (Siu Tin), Wong Chi Sang, Ricky Cheng (Tien Chi), Jeannie Chang Director: Joseph Kuo Nam Hung, Producer: Joseph Kuo Nam Hung, Action Director: Ricky Cheng Tien Chi, Wong Wing Sang, Wong Chi Sang, Language: English,  Running Time: 90 minutes.  
"Shaolin Prince" a.k.a. (Death Mask Of The Ninja) (1981) $9.95
Shaolin Prince, also known as Iron Fingers Of Death, Shaolin Chuan Ren, Siu Lam Chuen Yan, 少林传人, Death Mask Of The Ninja, Dragon Of Death, Wu Tang Prince 3 holy fools or three holy fools is a 1981 Hong Kong martial arts-action film released by Shaw Brothers and directed by Chia Tang. It is one of the Shaolin Temple themed martial arts films and featured Ti Lung, Derek Yee and Jason Pai Piao. This tale of two fugitive princes trying to recover the throne is an eye-filling, mind-bending wonder, which used no less than five other choreographer friends to create kung fu configurations not only never seen before, but never even attempted!(Synopsis): Tang Chia is one of martial arts movies' most respected names, but it is less known because the veteran kung fu choreographer only directed three movies of his own. Of course, that makes this, his first effort, perhaps the most special of the trio. His tale of two fugitive princes trying to recover the throne is an eye-filling, mind-bending wonder, which used no less than five other choreographer friends to create kung fu configurations not only never seen before, but never even attempted!Starring: Ti Lung, Derek Yee Tung-Sing, Jason Pai Piao, Guk Fung (Ku Feng), Alan Chan (Gwok Kuen), Yue Tau Wan, Lam Fai Wong, Kong Do, Yuen Bun, Lee Hoi Sang, Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong, Chan Shen, Tong Gaai, Kwan Fung, Goo Goon Chung, Yuen Wah, Ngaai Fei, Wong Pau GeiDirector: Tong Gaai, Producer: Mona Fong Yat Wah, Action Director: Kong Chuen, Lee Hoi San, Tong Gaai, Wong Pau Gei, Yuen Wah, Yuen Bun Running Time: 89 minutes. Region Coding: All Region Format: NTSC,  Languages: Mandarin (Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround) English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono) Subtitles: English, Film Company: Shaw Brothers
"Shaolin Intruders" a.k.a. (Saam Chong Siu Lam) (1983) $9.95
Shaolin Intruders, also known as 三闯少林, Saam Chong Siu Lam, San chuang Shaolin or San Chuang Shao Lin. Shaolin Temple becomes suspect when several clan leaders are robbed and killed by the deadly Shaolin Palm technique. Two top fighters visit Shaolin Temple to interrogate the abbot and his monks regarding the murders.(Synopsis): Helmed by acclaimed martial arts choreographer Tang Chia, "Shaolin Intruders" is an entertaining amalgamation of eye-popping martial arts and thrilling detective story. On a routine courier mission, the prestigious Chin Hu Chief was murdered by four mysterious monks. When all evidence pointed to Ching Hua (Liu Yu-po) his friend Lei Hsin (Derek Yee) was determined to clear his name by barging in the Shaolin Temple thrice and intertwined into a intricate web of deception?Starring: Derek Yee Tung-Sing, Lau Yuk Pok, Jason Pai Piao, Cheng Wai Ho, Gigi Chiu (Nga Chi), Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong, Chan Shen, Kwan Fung, Lee Hoi Sang, Alan Chan (Gwok Kuen), Ngaai Fei, Guk Fung, Yue Tau Wan, Ho Pak Kwong, Lee Yiu Ging, Shum Lo, Wong Ching HoDirector: Tong Gaai, Action Director: Lee Hoi San, Tong Gaai, Wong Pau Gei, Yuen Wah, Yuen Bun, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 Mono Trailers, Duration: 7, Running Time: 86 minutes. Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono), Subtitles: None, Film Company: Shaw Brothers
"The Kung Fu Instructor" a.k.a. (Jiao tou) (1979) $9.95
The Kung Fu Instructor, also known as 教头, Kung-fu Instructor, Le Professeur De Kung Fu is a 1979 Shaw Brothers martial arts film directed by Sun Chueng, starring Ti Lung. (Synopsis): When a village is torn apart by a rivalry between two martial arts clans, one of the clans resorts to some devious methods in order to frame the other clan for wrongdoings. The tensions run high in this film placed during the Ching Dynasty. Two rival clans have unsuccessfully tried to hire the master of the good clan to teach his clan. Not willing to take no for an answer, they frame the master for a dirty deed that he didn't commit, which forces him to kill a man in battle. The townspeople attempt to kill him and he is forced to flee to the evil clan.Starring: Ti Lung, Wong Ming Chuen, Wong Yu, Guk Fung, Johnny Wang (Lung Wei), Gigi Chiu (Nga Chi), Kong Do, Ngaai Fei, Tong Lung, Tin Ching, Tong Yim Chaan, Cheung Gwok Wa, Shum Lo, Jamie Luk (Kim Ming), Lun Ga Chun, Yuen Wah, Cheng Miu, Dick WeiDirector: Sun Chung, Action Director: Tong Gaa, Features: Anamorphic Widescreen 2.35:1 Mono Trailers, Duration: 7, Running Time: 110 minutes. Languages: English (Dolby Digital 2.0 - Stereo - Dual Mono) Subtitles: None, Film Company: Shaw Brothers  
"Warriors Two" a.k.a. (Zan Xian Sheng Yu Zhao Qian Hua) (1978) $9.95
Warriors Two, also known as 贊先生與找錢華 or Zan Xian Sheng Yu Zhao Qian Hua Warriors Two is a 1978 Hong Kong martial arts film written and directed by Sammo Hung, who also co-stars in the film. The film stars Bryan Leung, Casanova Wong and Fung Hak-on. Leung plays the character of the historical figure, Leung Jan (or Leung Tsan), a well-known early practitioner of the Wing Chun style of kung fu. Leung's association with Wing Chun can be considered as the equivalent of Wong Fei-hung's association with the Hung Gar style.(Synopsis): Fighting to save his village from being taken over by brutes, Hua (Casanova Wong) is beaten to a pulp and his mother murdered. Determined to take revenge, Hua learns the art of Wing Chun and takes on the villains with the help of Fei Chun (Sammo HungStarring: Leung Kar Yan, Casanova Wong, Sammo Hung (Kam Bo), Lau Kar Wing, Fung Hak On, Lee Hoi Sang, Dean Shek Tin, Yeung Wai, Lam Ching Ying, Chan Lung, Yuen Biao, Chung Faat, Chin Yuet Sang, Tai Bo.Director: Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Producer: Raymond Chow Man Wai, Action Director: Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Billy Chan Wui Ngai, Fung Hak On Features: 16:9 Anamorphic, Trailers Languages: English,Cantonese, Subtitles: English Or Spanish, Running Time: 93 minutes, Distributed by: Golden HarvestRelease date: 28 December 1978  
"The Prodigal Son" a.k.a. (Bai ga jai) (1981) $9.95
The Prodigal Son, also known as 敗家仔,  败家仔, Bai ga jai,  Bai jia zi and Pull No Punches is a 1981 Hong Kong martial arts film starring Yuen Biao, and also written and directed by Sammo Hung, who also co-stars in the film. The film was released on 22 December 1981 and grossed HK$9,150,729. The Prodigal Son was nominated for two Hong Kong Film Awards and won the award for Best Action Choreography.(Synopsis): Leung Jan believes he’s the best kung fu fighter in town, until he realizes that his rich father has paid his opponents to lose. He seeks out an instructor, but soon they both end up facing duels to the death with a kung fu-crazy young noblemanStarring: Sammo Hung, Yuen Biao, Guy Lai [Wing Chun Fist Consultant], Lam Ching-Ying, Billy Chan Wui-NgaiLanguages: English, 16.9, Running time: 90 min, Director: Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Producer: Raymond Chow Man Wai, Action Director: Billy Chan Wui Ngai, Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Lam Ching Ying, Yuen Biao, Distributed by: Golden Harvest, Release date: 22 December 1981
"Hapkido" a.k.a. (Lady Kung Fu) (1972) $9.95
Hapkido, also known as Lady Kung Fu and Dynamique dragon contre boxeurs Chinois is a 1972 Hong Kong film directed by Huang Feng, starring Angela Mao, Carter Wong and Sammo Hung. It was released by Golden Harvest. It was digitally re-mastered and restored by Hong Kong Legends in 2006 (Synopsis): Three students have recently returned to China after studying Hapkido in Korea. After setting up their own school, they run into trouble with the local Japanese school. They attempt to keep the peace until events force them to fight back. Angela Mao, Carter Wong and Sammo Hung have recently returned to China after studying Hapkido in Korea. After returning to China and setting up their own school they immediately run into trouble with the local Japanese school, the Black Bear Gang. Not wanting any trouble, they attempt to keep the peace until events force them to fight back. Starring: Angela Mao Ying, Carter Wong (Ka Tat), Sammo Hung (Kam Bo), Whang In Shik, Pai Ying, Jackie Chan, Hsu Hsia, Lam Ching Ying, Suen Lam, Nancy Sit Ka-Yin, Ngai Ping Ngo, Gam Dai, Bruce Leung (Siu Lung), Lee Ka Ting, Yeung Wai, Chi Hon Joi, Kok Lee Yan, Corey Yuen Kwai, Billy Chan Wui-Ngai, Yuen Biao. Director: Huang Feng, Producer: Raymond Chow Man Wai, Action Director: Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Letterboxed: 2.35:1, Languages: English (Dolby Digital 1.0 - Mono), Subtitles: None, Running Time: 95 minutes.  
"When Taekwondo Strikes" a.k.a. (Sting Of The Dragon Masters) $9.95
When Taekwondo Strikes, also known as 跆拳震九州, Tai Quan Zhen Jiu Zhou, Toi kuen jan gau chow, Sting Of The Dragon Masters, Le Tigre noir du karaté and Taekwondo Heroes is a 1973 martial arts film directed anDVDmd written by Feng Huang, produced by Raymond Chow. The exception with this film is the collective martial arts experience of the cast and the high quality fight choreography. The film features experienced and well known martial arts actors such as Angela Mao, Jhoon Rhee, the father of American Taekwondo, Wong In Sik (Ing-Sik Whang), Carter Wong, Kenji Kazama, Sammo Hung, Biao Yuen and Golden Harvest producer Andre Morgan. This was Jhoon Rhee's only film.(Synopsis): When a Korean freedom fighter and his pupil, Carter Wong (Big Trouble In Little China; The Magnificent), go on the run from the Japanese, they get help from the legendary martial arts superstar Angela Mao (Enter the Dragon; Dance Of Death). Mao has a score to settle with the Japanese aggressors. Together, they use styles such as Hapkido and Tae Kwan Do against their foes. Featuring Sammo Hung as one of the meanest Japanese villains in the history of cinema, Sting Of The Dragon Master has an all-star cast and more fight scenes than you can shake a fist at.Starring: Angela Mao Ying, Lee Jun Gau, Carter Wong (Ka Tat), Yuen Biao, Whang In Shik, Chin Yuet Sang, Lam Ching Ying, Hsu Hsia, Gam Saan, Chan Chuen, Hung Mei, Gam Kei Chu, Sammo Hung (Kam Bo), Wilson Tong (Wai Shing), Wong Fung, Tsang Choh Lam, Kenji Kazama.Director: Huang Feng, Producer: Raymond Chow Man Wai, Action Director: Chan Chuen, Sammo Hung Kam Bo, Languages: English, Subtitles: None, Running Time: 90 minutes, Distributed by: Golden Harvest, Release date: 1973
"Deadly China Doll" a.k.a. (The Opium Trail) (1973) $9.95
Deadly China Doll, also known as The Opium Trail. Angela Mao is galvanized into action against the bad guys when someone close to her is murdered. The villains in question are members of an opium-smuggling ring, who prove no match for the "hell hath no fury" Mao. (Synopsis): Deadly China Doll stars the engagingly self-reliant Hong Kong movie favorite Angela Mao. As in most of her films, Mao is galvanized into action against the bad guys when someone close to her is murdered. The villains in question are members of an opium-smuggling ring, who prove no match for the "hell hath no fury" Mao. And when she’s done with this bunch, she sets her sites on a gang of hijackers. Starring: Angela Mao Ying, Carter Wong (Ka Tat), Travador Ramos, James Nam (Gung Fan), Lung Fei, Yee Yuen, Cheng Fu Hung, Shih Ting Ken, Chan Chuen, Got Heung Ting, Wan Yat Fung, Tung Fong (Mei Fung), Lee Hung, Chiu Ting, Liu Chu, Gam Man Hei. Director: Huang Feng, Languages: English, Running Time: 93            minutes, Subtitles: English Subtitles, Region: all